Weber Grill – Unboxing Joy!

Excited to grill on my new Weber kettle grill!

Sharing the joy of unboxing a $100 Weber kettle grill that’s never been used. Join the fun and dive into the world of grilling!


  • Discovering a rare find – a brand new Weber grill for a steal!
  • Connecting with a generous lady who passed on her promo gift.
  • Embracing the thrill of using a Weber product for the first time.

Gorgeous Grill

The community is in awe of the stunning Weber grill, with one user exclaiming, ‘She’s a beaut.’ Another member comments on its aesthetic appeal, saying, ‘That’s perrty.’

Accessories Ahoy

Concerns about missing parts are addressed by users suggesting places like Weber or Amazon to find the grip cover. One user even provides a helpful link to Weber’s replacement parts page.

Grilling Love

Enthusiastic comments reflect the community’s passion for grilling, with one member expressing, ‘Congrats! I absolutely love mine.’ Another user appreciates the find, noting, ‘That’s a great find and a real BBQ at that!’