Passion Fruit Vines: A Gardener’s Delight

Explore the world of passion fruit vines with over 150 varieties in Florida. Are they a challenge or a joy to grow?

Reddit post about passion fruit vines detailing challenges and joys of growing over 150 varieties in Florida.


  • Discover the challenges of growing passion fruit vines in Florida
  • Explore self-pollination techniques for better fruit production
  • Discussing the impact of different pollinators on passion fruit vines
  • Sharing personal anecdotes related to passion fruit cultivation
  • ApplejackSiguess

    The user empathizes with the challenges of growing passion fruit vines, inquiring about the planting method and age of the vines.


    The original poster shares photos and advises on self-pollination techniques for optimal fruit yields.


    A user asks for information on the size of the vine’s trunk and its feeding regimen.


    A user from Tampa discusses the abundance of pollinators helping in the fruiting process, highlighting the use of natural gardening methods.


    A user shares a personal experience of a mishap with their passion fruit vine, relating to the OP’s situation.


    A simple compliment on the beauty of the passion fruit vines depicted in the post.