The Great Cast Iron Cleaning Debate: What’s the Best Way?

Discover the ultimate cast iron skillet cleaning techniques and see if the experts agree!

Confused about how to clean your cast iron skillet? Dive into the great debate and find out the best methods straight from the experts.


  • Discover diverse opinions on cleaning cast iron skillets
  • Find out if soap, water, oil, or other methods reign supreme
  • Learn about the longevity of cast iron with various cleaning routines

Expert Opinions on Cast Iron Cleaning

People have varying methods of cleaning their cast iron skillets, from using soap and water to simply wiping it with oil. Some swear by heating it to dry, while others prefer air drying. What’s your top cleaning tip for cast iron?

The Cast Iron Enthusiasts Speak

Some users advocate for using a sponge with dish detergent, while others believe in a more minimalistic approach of just using paper towels. The debate continues on whether to oil the skillet after each use or only occasionally. How do you maintain your cast iron skillet?

The Never-ending Cast Iron Cleaning Saga

One school of thought suggests avoiding harsh chemicals and dishwashers, while another group believes in maintaining a strict cleaning routine. The cast iron pan may be tough, but the cleaning process seems to have everyone divided. What’s your take on cast iron cleaning methods?