Why Is My Protein Cheesecake Collapsing? Expert Advice and Solutions

Discover the secrets to preventing your protein cheesecake from collapsing and enjoy a delicious, healthy treat!

A Reddit user seeks help in preventing their protein cheesecake from deflating, but the community has mixed opinions on the recipe.


  • Using low-fat and protein-heavy ingredients may lead to deflation in protein cheesecakes.
  • The absence of traditional cheesecake components like butter and flour can affect the texture.
  • Substituting essential ingredients can disrupt the structural integrity of the cheesecake.

User Insights

Some users suggest that the lack of fat and traditional ingredients like butter and flour may be causing the collapse of the cheesecake. They highlight the importance of using whole eggs for structure and richness in flavor.

Expert Advice

Expert users recommend incorporating full-fat ingredients such as cheese and yogurt, using whole eggs, and blending the ingredients properly for a better texture and consistency.

Solution Suggestions

To prevent collapse, users suggest whipping eggs into soft peaks, adding leaveners like baking powder, and blending cottage cheese for a smoother texture.

The Reddit community provides valuable insights and solutions to help the user improve their protein cheesecake recipe and avoid deflation issues.