Why Does My Rice Smell Weird? Tips and Tricks for Cooking Perfect Rice

Discover why your rice smells strange and how to fix it!

If you’ve ever cooked rice only to be greeted by a strange sweet smell, you’re not alone. A Reddit user shared their experience with a mysterious scent emanating from their rice, seeking advice from the community on how to resolve the issue. Let’s dive into the discussion and uncover helpful tips for cooking perfect rice.


  • Rice cooker or stovetop, the sweet smell persists
  • Eliminated equipment, rice, and water as potential causes
  • Considerations: storage, dishwashing, saffron, lemon juice

Advice on Rice Quality

There are different varieties of aromatic rices that may impart a sweet scent when cooked, like Thai jasmine rice. Consider the type of rice you’re using and its inherent characteristics.

Exploring External Factors

Check your kitchen environment for potential culprits, such as soap residues on dishes or sponges. Odors can transfer to rice during cooking, affecting its aroma.

Storage and Cooking Techniques

Improper rice storage with odorous items can lead to flavor absorption. Experiment with additives like lemon juice to neutralize unwanted scents during cooking.

Bringing It All Together

The journey to perfect rice involves troubleshooting and experimentation. By exploring various factors influencing the aroma of your rice, you can enhance your culinary experience and enjoy delightful meals without any strange smells lingering.