To Raw or Rare: A Delicious Debate on Steak Doneness

Join the debate on steak doneness! Rare or raw, the choice is yours.

Join the debate on steak doneness! In the age-old question of rare vs. raw, Reddit users weigh in on their perfect steak. Is it about raw meat or just a little bit undercooked? Let’s dig into the juicy details.


  • Perfect rare is a common choice.
  • Some prefer their steak a little undercooked.
  • Many users love their steaks rare and delicious.

Opinions on Rare vs. Raw

For user AlBunDi76, the perfect rare steak is the ultimate choice. Lokhomusic enjoys a good rare but leans towards not medium rare. On the other hand, Jmc510 believes rare steaks are not only delicious but also delightful. However, Eac555 finds rare a bit too undercooked. MeganJustMegan prefers her steak a little rare but perfect for her husband.

Delightful Rare Steaks

ZedPrimus84 is in the camp that wants their steak to ‘moo at me’ when cut into it, indicating a deep appreciation for rare steaks. Sausagepilot votes rare over raw, while Fake_Hip0369 exclaims ‘Eat that beast! Perfection.’ UrbanPewer keeps it simple with a preference for rare steak.

Perfect Steak Indulgence

ProdigalSheep sums it up with the word ‘Delicious,’ reflecting a universal love for a well-prepared steak. Fearless-Ad-262, Big_baddy_fat_sack, and Denver_and_life all agree that their steaks are just perfect. CaesarSky admires the steak, emphasizing how amazing it looks.

Humorous Comments

Comprehensive_Fact_4 shares a lighthearted moment by calling a well-done steak ‘well done, sir, lmao.’ Realdwighthoward describes his steak as ‘Perfecto dog,’ adding a touch of fun to the discussion. Meowpeow_psp ponders if a blue steak is actually what is being served up.

When it comes to the debate between rare and raw, the consensus among Reddit users leans heavily towards the love for perfectly rare steaks. This discussion not only reveals individual preferences for meat doneness but also showcases the diverse ways in which people enjoy their favorite grilled dish. From mouth-watering descriptions to humorous quips, the love for a perfectly cooked steak shines through in every comment.