The Joy of Chaos Gardening: Whatever Grows, Goes!

Discover the unpredictable world of chaos gardening and the joy it brings to gardeners.

Join us in the world of chaos gardening where anything goes and everything grows!


  • Embrace the chaos of a garden bed filled with a mix of self-seeded plants and surprises.
  • Find beauty in the unpredictable growth patterns of a ‘whatever grows, goes’ garden.
  • Experience the joy of letting nature take its course and discovering unexpected treasures in your garden.
  • Chaos gardening allows for a relaxed and carefree approach to tending to your plants.

Celebrating Garden Anarchy

Chaos gardening FTW! Experience the thrill of a garden bed where nature reigns supreme and surprises abound. One gardener shared their frustration and amazement at the success of their anarchy bed, where self-seeding tomatoes and unexpected strawberries flourish without any special care.

Embracing the Unpredictable

Many gardeners expressed their desire to create their own chaos garden after reading about the joys of a ‘whatever grows, goes’ bed. The idea of throwing random seeds into a garden bed and watching the results unfold resonated with those looking for a more carefree approach to gardening.

Letting Nature Thrive

For those tired of meticulously planned flower beds and veggie patches, chaos gardening offers a refreshing change of pace. By allowing nature to take its course and embracing the randomness of plant growth, gardeners can discover unexpected beauty and serendipitous moments in their backyard oasis.