The Great Eggs Benedict Debate: Salmon vs. Bacon vs. Turkey

Join the debate on the best Eggs Benedict topping: Salmon, Bacon, or Smoked Turkey!

Discover the ultimate Eggs Benedict debate in the Food Hacks subreddit! Users discuss the best toppings and techniques for this classic dish.


  • Salmon vs. Bacon: The eternal debate on the best Eggs Benedict topping.
  • Hollandaise Sauce: Some users swear by using a blender for a foolproof Hollandaise.
  • Sous Vide: A unique method for preparing both poached eggs and Hollandaise simultaneously.

The Great Debate: Salmon, Bacon, or Smoked Turkey?

When it comes to Eggs Benedict, the age-old question of the best topping sparks lively discussions among food enthusiasts. While traditionalists argue for classic Canadian bacon, others advocate for indulgent options like smoked salmon or flavorful bacon.

Revolutionary Hollandaise Techniques

For many, the key to a perfect Eggs Benedict lies in the velvety richness of the Hollandaise sauce. Users recommend using a blender hollandaise method for a smooth and creamy sauce every time.

Sous Vide Sensation

One user shares a game-changing Eggs Benedict recipe that utilizes sous vide cooking for precision and convenience. By poaching eggs and preparing Hollandaise simultaneously in a sous vide bath, the dish reaches new heights of flavor and texture.

The culinary world of Eggs Benedict is as diverse as the topping choices themselves. From traditionalists to innovators, each approach offers a unique twist on this beloved brunch classic. Whether you prefer the smoky richness of bacon or the delicate flavor of salmon, Eggs Benedict remains a timeless favorite that continues to inspire creativity in the kitchen.