Should I Keep This Little Tree? Reddit’s Gardeners Share Their Thoughts

Discover the community’s consensus on keeping a mysterious little tree in your garden.

Discover the community’s consensus on keeping a mysterious little tree in your garden.


  • A Japanese Maple is a valuable find and should be kept due to its beauty and rarity.
  • Gardeners recommend keeping the tree, highlighting its expensive nature and unique features.
  • The community advises planting wildflowers around the tree to make the most of the space.

Community Consensus on the Little Tree

The consensus among Redditors is overwhelmingly in favor of keeping the Japanese Maple tree, citing its beauty, potential value, and uniqueness. Many users expressed delight at the discovery of such a valuable tree in their garden and recommended nurturing it for its aesthetic appeal and financial worth.

Expert Opinions

One user, Glindanorth, shared their own experience trying to grow Japanese Maples and the significant cost involved. This highlights the tree’s rarity and the fortune of having one appear naturally in a garden. Others, like ASecularBuddhist, reinforced the tree’s high value, mentioning that it sells for over $100 in their area.

Personal Anecdotes

Several users, such as Daffodil80 and JJ_Reads_Good, expressed amazement at the tree’s presence and emphasized the importance of cherishing such a gift from nature. The sentiment of luck and gratitude was prevalent throughout the comments, with users marveling at the tree’s beauty and symbolic significance.