Safely Moving Daffodils After Development Destruction

Discover how one Reddit user plans to rescue daffodils from a development site

The Reddit user, TheDonutcon, is devastated by the destruction of a wooded area behind their house. They seek advice on safely moving a set of daffodils.


  • Community offers advice on safely relocating daffodils
  • Concern expressed over ongoing destruction of natural habitats
  • Emotional responses to environmental changes
  • Practical tips for successful transplanting shared

Community Support

The gardening community on Reddit comes together to offer advice and support to TheDonutcon, expressing empathy for the loss of the wooded area.

Transplanting Tips

Reddit users provide detailed instructions on how to safely move the daffodils to ensure their survival despite the construction activity in the area.

Environmental Concerns

Some users express sadness over the continuous destruction of natural habitats and the impact on wildlife, sparking discussions on conservation and urban development.

The community’s shared passion for gardening and nature shines through in this thread, showcasing the power of online communities to provide comfort and guidance in difficult times.