How to Make Your Microwaved Rice Go from Bland to Grand

Struggling to reheat your rice properly in the microwave? These tips from reddit users can help make your meal prep more satisfying!

Struggling to enjoy your microwaved rice at work? Check out these tips from reddit users to make your meal prep more satisfying.


  • Adding moisture is key for fluffy rice
  • Using lower power settings can prevent rice from drying out
  • Seasoning and covering the rice while microwaving can enhance flavor

Moisture is Key

According to reddit users, adding a splash of water or using a damp paper towel can help keep your rice moist and prevent it from becoming starchy when reheated in the microwave. This simple trick can make a big difference in the texture of your rice.

Lower Power, Better Results

Several users suggested using a lower power setting on the microwave to prevent the rice from drying out. By cooking the rice at 60-70% power, you can reheat it more evenly without sacrificing its texture.

Enhance Flavor

From adding veggies like broccoli to flavoring with Lawry’s seasoning salt or soy sauce, there are many ways to elevate the taste of your reheated rice. Users recommended covering the rice with a lid or plastic wrap while microwaving to help it steam and absorb the flavors.

Struggling to enjoy your microwaved rice at work? Check out these tips from reddit users to make your meal prep more satisfying.