Many people are extremely frightened of the thought of freon being inside their homes and offices. Some people have even experienced problems with their refrigerators because of exposure to the ancient chemical.
The fact is, however, that all modern refrigerators use a chemical called HFC-134a as a coolant. This gas is very similar to Freon, but it has actually been proven safe for human consumption. It is also much better for the environment than the previous coolant. in this article, I am going to answer if refrigerators still use Freon, read on!
Do Refrigerators Use Freon?
The answer to that question is both yes and no. Freon is still used in the older models of refrigerators, but they have been banned from use in new models. These types of refrigerators are still being produced, so if you already own one there isn’t anything you need to worry about. You can continue using it without any issues.
All new refrigerator models manufactured after 1994 are supposed to be using HFC-134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane), a chemical which is safer for the environment and for people. fortunately, this is really the case. Newer models are using a new refrigerator gas in order to keep costs down for manufacturers.
What is freon?
Freon is a type of coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners that provides quick cooling. It does this by filling all the nooks and crannies in the refrigerator with gas, so parts move more slowly. This makes the process more efficient.
How freon works in a Refrigerator
Refrigerator cool gas flows out from the refrigerator and through the vents. The evaporators in fridges are cooled by this gas, so it is very cold. This cold is transferred through the door to the inside of the refrigerator.
As food cools, it releases carbon dioxide gas (CO2). This is normally trapped inside the refrigerator and its volume increases rapidly. This causes pressure to build up, which can damage the fridge interior. The Freon then forces air into a high-pressure cylinder in the front of your fridge.
There are two different parts of a refrigerator that work together to keep food cold and fresh: the evaporator and the condenser. The evaporator is located within the fridge, while the condenser is found outside it.
Together they turn a mixture of gases (the coolant) into a gas that’s very cold, but in liquid form, so that it can be cooled further. This is called “condensing”, which explains where this part gets its name from. It’s incredibly important for this to happen quickly because the colder something gets, the better it can chill things down in general.
When did they stop using Freon in refrigerators?
The first refrigerators were made in the early 1900s, and by about 1915 refrigerators had been widely manufactured. It wasn’t really until the 1970s that refrigerators started using a chemical called freon which was more environmentally friendly.
This allowed for less waste and less use of power. However, manufacturers couldn’t make enough of it because there are laws against the use of certain chemicals in food production. So they began using HFC-134a as a substitute. This is still used today, but it’s a much safer option for humans and animals to breathe in.
Freon vs HFC-134a
It’s important to note that HFC-134a is a much safer chemical. However, there are other chemicals that fall under the same classification as freon, and they all have different degrees of danger for humans and animals.
The main difference between the two comes down to this fact: Freon can be absorbed into your body through your skin (after contact with dust or mold) or if you breathe it in (after contact with hair).
It’s also absorbed from food because it breaks down over time due to exposure to oxygen. HFC-134a does not dissolve and is not harmful when breathed in or absorbed through skin.
Freon can be removed from the air by using a HEPA filter. This filter, however, is not enough to remove HFC-134a because it’s heavier than air. Although often referred to as Freon-12, the proper name for this gas is R12. It was used most frequently in older refrigerators and car air conditioners.
Is Freon still used in new refrigerators?
As of 1994, all new refrigerators stopped using Freon as a coolant (for environmental reasons). So if your refrigerator was made after that date, it most likely will not use freon. However, you should remember that many of the original parts on the refrigerator will be defective since they were designed to work with a chemical that isn’t available anymore.
Can a fridge work without freon?
A fridge can work without freon, but it won’t work as well. The only time it would be recommended to use a non-freon-based fridge would be if you want to save money or if it’s a personal preference. It’s definitely less expensive to buy a newer refrigerator rather than repairing an older one that uses freon.
Final Thoughts
If you own a refrigerator with an older model that uses freon, it is still safe to use. Freon was outlawed in the newer models because of the harmful effects it has on our planet’s ozone layer. If you are considering purchasing a new refrigerator, you don’t need to worry about using freon in your old one. You can continue using your old refrigerator until it dies on its own. There is no need to replace it with a newer model like some people do when trying to be more environmentally friendly.